Photo by Ariana Karp

Photo by Ariana Karp


Australian-born Katrin Talbot’s collection The Devil Orders a Latte was just released from Fernwood Press, The Square Footage of Awe is forthcoming from Kelsay Books and she has two other full-length collections: The Waiting Room for the Imperfect Alibis from Kelsay Books and Falling Asleep at the Circus from Turning Point Books.  She has seven chapbooks: Wrong Number, The Blind Lifeguard , and Freeze-Dried Love from Finishing Line Press, noun’d, verb , Attached, the poetry of suffix and The Little Red Poem, from dancing girl press, and St. Cecilia’s Daze, published by Parallel Press. She has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes in Poetry and was voted Madison Magazine’s Best of 2015 Spoken Word Artist/Poet. 

Recently, she has been a part of different poetic collaborations, including A Secular Humanist and a Poet Walk Into a Bar with former pastor Lana Wood at Minoqua Brewing Company’s Madison Taproom, and The Music of Words with flutist Stephanie Jutt.

Her poetry and photography collaborations have included multi-media classical music concerts performed in New York City, Australia, and Romania, among many, a Madison Symphony photography and poetry exhibit, a residency as poet for the Sound Ensemble Wisconsin chamber music group, involving responsive poetry to the pieces performed, the creation of audience poems based on the themes of the concerts, a poetry/music workshop with inmates at the Oakhill Correctional Facility. 

She has also collaborated twice with Chef Daniel Bonanno of Pig in a Fur Coat (a semifinalist for a 2022 James Beard Award for Best Chef: Midwest), and Mary Theodore of Sound Ensemble Wisconsin to combine original poetry with Bonanno’s menu and Theodore’s music selections to produce a performance combining all three, with a six course meal served. 

She has run the Bridge Poetry Series in collaboration with the Chazen Museum of Art in which poets respond to traveling exhibits. Ms. Talbot has worked with the Madison Symphony Orchestra, in which she plays assistant principal viola, to produce the Counterpoint Readings, in which poets responded to a selected symphonic piece. Recently, she worked with the symphony and the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art to produce a performance in the Museum in which a quartet performed a program inspired by the work of Do Ho Suh and poets presented original poems responding to his luminous installation. 

A song cycle written by Kevin McMahon based on her poetry was premiered in Toronto a few years ago and ten poems from Wrong Number were set to music in 2024 by Brent Weaver and premiered by the Meadowlark Ensemble with pianist Susan McDaniel and Katrin Talbot, narrator in Portland, Oregon and will be recorded in 2025.  She also has done Instant Poetry as events for the Reedsburg ArtsCrawl and the event Municipal and many valentines gigs in cafes. She once received prize money from a national poetry contest to fund a Dairy Queen run. So much of our lives can be poems, and she is always armed with a pencil.


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